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Text File | 1994-06-12 | 8.0 KB | 119 lines | [TEXT/KAHL] |
- /*
- * CallKeyEquivalents.h: defines that let you callback to CMaster and have it
- * perform some keyboard equivalent for you
- * Copyright © 1994 Jersey Scientific, All Rights Reserved
- *
- * History:
- * 06/12/94 original file shipped with CMaster 2.0
- *
- */
- */
- #define MOVE_TO_TOP_OF_WINDOW 3 // Move To Top of Window
- #define MOVE_TO_CURRENT_FUNCTION_TOP 4 // Move To Current Function Top
- #define MOVE_TO_TOP_OF_FILE 5 // Move To Top of File
- #define MOVE_CARET_TO_TOP_OF_WINDOW 6 // Move Caret to Top of Window
- #define MOVE_TO_MIDDLE_OF_WINDOW 15 // Move To Middle of Window
- #define MOVE_TO_CURRENT_FUNCTION_MIDDLE 16 // Move To Current Function Middle
- #define MOVE_TO_MIDDLE_OF_FILE 17 // Move To Middle of File
- #define MOVE_CARET_TO_MIDDLE_OF_WINDOW 18 // Move Caret to Middle of Window
- #define MOVE_TO_BOTTOM_OF_SCREEN 27 // Move To Bottom of Screen
- #define MOVE_TO_CURRENT_FUNCTION_END 28 // Move To Current Function End
- #define MOVE_TO_END_OF_FILE 29 // Move To End of File
- #define MOVE_CARET_TO_BOTTOM_OF_WINDOW 30 // Move Caret to Bottom of Window
- #define SEARCH_FORWARD_dFILEb 39 // Search Forward (file)
- #define SEARCH_FORWARD_dFUNCTIONb 40 // Search Forward (function)
- #define SEARCH_FORWARD_dFILEj_ALT_WRAPb 41 // Search Forward (file, alt wrap)
- #define SEARCH_FORWARD_WITH_TC_FIND_STR 42 // Search Forward With TC Find Str
- #define SEARCH_BACKWARD_dFILEb 43 // Search Backward (file)
- #define SEARCH_BACKWARD_dFUNCTIONb 44 // Search Backward (function)
- #define SEARCH_BACKWARD_dFILEjALT_WRAPb 45 // Search Backward (file,alt wrap)
- #define SEARCH_FORWARD_dFILEjWRAPjANYb 46 // Search Forward (file,wrap,any)
- #define SEARCH_FOR_UNUSED___VARIABLES 47 // Search for unused ƒ variables
- #define SEARCH_BACKWARD_dFILEjWRAPjANYb 48 // Search Backward (file,wrap,any)
- #define COMMENT_UNCOMMENT_SELECTION 51 // Comment/Uncomment Selection
- #define ALT_COMMENT_UNCOMMENT_SELECTION 52 // Alt Comment/Uncomment Selection
- #define pIFDEF__VARIABLE__SELECTION 53 // #ifdef <variable> Selection
- #define COMMENT_SELECTION_WITH________ 55 // Comment Selection with /*...*/
- #define PASTE_CLIPBOARD_1 63 // Paste Clipboard 1
- #define PASTE_CLIPBOARD_1_dALTERNATEb 64 // Paste Clipboard 1 (alternate)
- #define PASTE_CLIPBOARD_1_dRETAINb 65 // Paste Clipboard 1 (retain)
- #define DELETE_CLIPBOARD_1 66 // Delete Clipboard 1
- #define COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD_1 67 // Copy to Clipboard 1
- #define COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD_1_dALTERNATEb 68 // Copy to Clipboard 1 (alternate)
- #define APPEND_TO_THINK_S_CLIPBOARD 69 // Append to THINK’s Clipboard
- #define PASTE_CLIPBOARD_1_dALTj_RETAINb 70 // Paste Clipboard 1 (alt, retain)
- #define DELETE_CLIPBOARD_1_dALTERNATEb 71 // Delete Clipboard 1 (alternate)
- #define SWAP_LOCAL_n_GLOBAL_CLIPBOARD_1 72 // Swap Local & Global Clipboard 1
- #define PASTE_CLIPBOARD_2 75 // Paste Clipboard 2
- #define PASTE_CLIPBOARD_2_dALTERNATEb 76 // Paste Clipboard 2 (alternate)
- #define PASTE_CLIPBOARD_2_dRETAINb 77 // Paste Clipboard 2 (retain)
- #define DELETE_CLIPBOARD_2 78 // Delete Clipboard 2
- #define COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD_2 79 // Copy to Clipboard 2
- #define COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD_2_dALTERNATEb 80 // Copy to Clipboard 2 (alternate)
- #define PASTE_CLIPBOARD_2_dALTj_RETAINb 82 // Paste Clipboard 2 (alt, retain)
- #define DELETE_CLIPBOARD_2_dALTERNATEb 83 // Delete Clipboard 2 (alternate)
- #define SWAP_LOCAL_n_GLOBAL_CLIPBOARD_2 84 // Swap Local & Global Clipboard 2
- #define PASTE_CLIPBOARD_3 87 // Paste Clipboard 3
- #define PASTE_CLIPBOARD_3_dALTERNATEb 88 // Paste Clipboard 3 (alternate)
- #define PASTE_CLIPBOARD_3_dRETAINb 89 // Paste Clipboard 3 (retain)
- #define DELETE_CLIPBOARD_3 90 // Delete Clipboard 3
- #define COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD_3 91 // Copy to Clipboard 3
- #define COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD_3_dALTERNATEb 92 // Copy to Clipboard 3 (alternate)
- #define PASTE_CLIPBOARD_3_dALTj_RETAINb 94 // Paste Clipboard 3 (alt, retain)
- #define DELETE_CLIPBOARD_3_dALTERNATEb 95 // Delete Clipboard 3 (alternate)
- #define SWAP_LOCAL_n_GLOBAL_CLIPBOARD_3 96 // Swap Local & Global Clipboard 3
- #define PASTE_CLIPBOARD_4 99 // Paste Clipboard 4
- #define PASTE_CLIPBOARD_4_dALTERNATEb 100 // Paste Clipboard 4 (alternate)
- #define PASTE_CLIPBOARD_4_dRETAINb 101 // Paste Clipboard 4 (retain)
- #define DELETE_CLIPBOARD_4 102 // Delete Clipboard 4
- #define COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD_4 103 // Copy to Clipboard 4
- #define COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD_4_dALTERNATEb 104 // Copy to Clipboard 4 (alternate)
- #define PASTE_CLIPBOARD_4_dALTj_RETAINb 106 // Paste Clipboard 4 (alt, retain)
- #define DELETE_CLIPBOARD_4_dALTERNATEb 107 // Delete Clipboard 4 (alternate)
- #define SWAP_LOCAL_n_GLOBAL_CLIPBOARD_4 108 // Swap Local & Global Clipboard 4
- #define GO_TO_PLACE_MARKER_1 111 // Go To Place Marker 1
- #define DELETE_PLACE_MARKER_1 114 // Delete Place Marker 1
- #define SET_PLACE_MARKER_1 115 // Set Place Marker 1
- #define OVERWRITE_PLACE_MARKER_1 117 // Overwrite Place Marker 1
- #define GO_TO_PLACE_MARKER_2 123 // Go To Place Marker 2
- #define DELETE_PLACE_MARKER_2 126 // Delete Place Marker 2
- #define SET_PLACE_MARKER_2 127 // Set Place Marker 2
- #define OVERWRITE_PLACE_MARKER_2 129 // Overwrite Place Marker 2
- #define GO_TO_PLACE_MARKER_3 135 // Go To Place Marker 3
- #define DELETE_PLACE_MARKER_3 138 // Delete Place Marker 3
- #define SET_PLACE_MARKER_3 139 // Set Place Marker 3
- #define OVERWRITE_PLACE_MARKER_3 141 // Overwrite Place Marker 3
- #define GO_TO_PLACE_MARKER_4 147 // Go To Place Marker 4
- #define DELETE_PLACE_MARKER_4 150 // Delete Place Marker 4
- #define SET_PLACE_MARKER_4 151 // Set Place Marker 4
- #define OVERWRITE_PLACE_MARKER_4 153 // Overwrite Place Marker 4
- #define PASTE_PROTOTYPEdSb 159 // Paste Prototype(s)
- #define PASTE_PROTOTYPEdSb_dRETAINb 160 // Paste Prototype(s) (retain)
- #define DELETE_PROTOTYPE_DATA 162 // Delete Prototype Data
- #define CALCULATE_PROTOTYPEdSb 163 // Calculate Prototype(s)
- #define CALCULATE_PROTOTYPEdSb_dAPPENDb 164 // Calculate Prototype(s) (append)
- #define CALCULATE_PROTOTYPEdSbj_MEMBERS 165 // Calculate Prototype(s), members
- #define CALCULATE_PROTOTYPESjNO_STATICS 166 // Calculate Prototypes,no statics
- #define CALCULATE_STATIC_PROTOTYPES 167 // Calculate static Prototypes
- #define FUNCTION_SCAN_FORWARD 171 // Function Scan Forward
- #define pENDIF_SCAN_FORWARD 172 // #endif Scan Forward
- #define FUNCTION_SCAN_FORWARD_dWRAPb 173 // Function Scan Forward (wrap)
- #define JUMP_TO_SELECTED_FUNCTION 174 // Jump to Selected Function
- #define FUNCTION_SCAN_BACKWARD 175 // Function Scan Backward
- #define pIF____SCAN_BACKWARD 176 // #if... Scan Backward
- #define FUNCTION_SCAN_BACKWARD_dWRAPb 177 // Function Scan Backward (wrap)
- #define pEL____pENDIF_SCAN_FORWARD 178 // #el.../#endif Scan Forward
- #define pIF____pEL____SCAN_BACKWARD 180 // #if.../#el... Scan Backward
- #define GOBACK_BACKWARD_dFILEb 207 // GoBack Backward (file)
- #define GOBACK_BACKWARD_dPROJb 208 // GoBack Backward (proj)
- #define GOBACK_BACKWARD_dFILEjALT_WRAPb 209 // GoBack Backward (file,alt wrap)
- #define GOBACK_NEWEST_POSITION_dPROJb 210 // GoBack Newest Position (proj)
- #define GOBACK_FORWARD_dFILEb 211 // GoBack Forward (file)
- #define GOBACK_FORWARD_dPROJb 212 // GoBack Forward (proj)
- #define GOBACK_FORWARD_dFILEj_ALT_WRAPb 213 // GoBack Forward (file, alt wrap)
- #define GOBACK_BACKWARD_dPROJjALT_WRAPb 214 // GoBack Backward (proj,alt wrap)
- #define GOBACK_OLDEST_POSITION_dPROJb 215 // GoBack Oldest Position (proj)
- #define GOBACK_FORWARD_dPROJj_ALT_WRAPb 216 // GoBack Forward (proj, alt wrap)